Thursday, August 27, 2020
Zeus And Odin Essay Example For Students
Zeus And Odin Essay Zeus and Odin Zeus is the leader of the Greek divine beings. He is the child of Cronosand Rhea, in reality the main child of these two to make due to adulthood. Zeus hadbeen covered up by Rhea so that Cronos would not swallow him like he had all ofhis other posterity; he had been cautioned that one of his kids wouldeventually topple him. Rhea sent Zeus to the island of Crete where he wasraised. Zeus in the end slaughtered his dad. After he executed Cronos, he reestablished lifeto his siblings and sisters. He at that point drew parcels with his siblings Poseidon andHades to see who might become leader of the different pieces of the universe. We will compose a custom exposition on Zeus And Odin explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Zeus won the draw and turned into the incomparable leader of the divine beings. He is master ofthe sky, the downpour god. His weapon is a thunderclap, made for him by theCyclopes under the heading of Hephaestus, which he throws at those whodisplease him. He wedded a progression of life partners with whom he had manychildren including: Athena, The Fates, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, and Hermes. His last, and most notable spouse is Hera however he is well known for his manyaffairs. Odin is the pioneer of the Norse divine beings and has a horde of namesincluding Allfather, Ygg, Bolverk (wrongdoer), and Grimnir. He additionally includes manyfunctions inside the fantasies including being a divine force of war, verse, knowledge, anddeath. Be that as it may, he isn't viewed as the primary divine force of every one of thesefunctions. Odins image is his otherworldly lance named Grungir which nevermisses its imprint. He additionally possesses an enchantment ring called Draupnir which can createnine of itself consistently. It was this ring Odin laid on his child Baldersfuneral fire and which Balder came back to Odin from the black market. Odinalso has two wolves, Geri and Freki, and two ravens, Hugin (thought) andMunin (memory). He sends his ravens out each day to accumulate information forhim. Odin was bound to bite the dust at Ragnarok; Fenris-Wolf gulped him. Knowing his destiny, he despite everything decided to grasp it and do fight, demonstrating the truewarrior ethic. He is the divine force of warriors and rulers, not the regular man. Among his kids are:Thor, Hermod, and Balder. He is hitched to Frigg, thegoddess of marriage. The main evident closeness among Zeus and Odin is intheir appearance. Both are exceptionally huge men, yet they are not delineated as fatmen. Both look exceptionally ground-breaking and premonition. They likewise are both indicated ashaving facial hair. A whiskers speaks to masculinity, in an extremely essential path as facial hairis something that each man can have. In this sense the whiskers as a signaturefeature of these divine beings acquires a feeling of connection to the individuals inside thesocieties that revered them. On the off chance that they had an alternate mark include, forexample wings, this would expel the divine beings from the regular man. Thebeard is something customary individuals can identify with. It might likewise be of note thatthe cliché perspective on Vikings and Norsemen quite often includesbeards on the men. Possibly they were attempting to copy their head god or maybe the god was made in the picture of the conventional man. Here is thedirect examination. Zeus and Odin were particular leaders over the divine beings intheir legends. Zeus was known for maintaining the law and social request. Infact, one of his titles was Zeus Horkios which actually implies the Guarantor ofOaths. This is very comparative ot Odins recording of the considerable number of laws, contracts andagreements onto his lance which he will undoubtedly maintain. The two of them had theirpalaces in the sky somewhat. Mt. Olympus was exceptionally high (in themythologies; the genuine Mt. Olympus is a mountain, however not extremely high.) It is alsoimportant to take note of that when the three siblings (Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades)were choosing which part of the world each would get, Zeus picked the sky. .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058 , .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058 .postImageUrl , .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058 , .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058:hover , .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058:visited , .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058:active { border:0!important; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058:active , .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1 885ba7b058 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u30272da9e67625b8a185b1885ba7b058:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Chad Vonder Haar: Untrustworthiness is an issue with todays youth EssayThere are numerous accounts of Zeus looking down from Mt. Olympus into the livesof other men. This is additionally the situation with Odin. He could watch different people,gods and humans the same, from his seat Hlidskialf in Asgard, Asgard being thepalace in the sky where the divine beings met. So there are particular similaritiesbetween Asgard and Mt. Olympus: both were in the sky, both took into account theobservation of the remainder of the world, both were the gathering place for the godsin their particular folklores. The activities of the two divine beings are v ery importantto take a gander at also. Zeus is notable for going off into the universe of mortalsand attempting to have relations with the humans. Customarily he would changeshape so as to achieve this. He accepting such structures as a bull, swan, goldenshower, and a quail, for instance. This shape-moving was additionally a run of the mill actionof Odin. He changed himself into creatures incidentally, for example, a snake or aneagle. (Strangely, Zeus is frequently delineated as a bird!) But, more regularly thannot, Odin changed himself into The Wanderer. In this structure he was known towear a long dim shroud and a wide overflowed cap that secured or cast shadowsover his missing eye. In this structure he endeavored, on numerous events, to haverelations, regularly bringing forth posterity. There is one story of Odin and Rindwhere Odin must change his shape on various occasions to address the issues of Rindwho he is charming. He changes from skipper of her dads armed force to a smith to a warrior lastly is acknowledged into her arms simply subsequent to taking his naturalform as a divine being. This raises one significant contrast between the two: theattitudes of the two separate spouses of the divine beings, Hera and Frigg. Hera iswell-known for her envious and vindictive responses to Zeus activities. However,Frigg doesn't have a similar response. To see the improvement of thisthought, see the spouses page. Another shared characteristic of the two divine beings is theirinteraction with humans. In both their meeting and supporting of these humans Zeusand Odin distinguished certain individuals that they thought about incredible and offered themtheir help. This backings the hypothesis that these legends, on the grounds that theywere serving commonly less-propelled social orders (mechanically, socially andintellectually), made divine beings who might descend and genuinely interactwith humans, gave the divine beings a feeling of substantial quality to the general pu blic. At this pointcould a general public have had the option to acknowledge a perfect, all-powerful being,especially one on an astronomical level, instead of a physical level? On the off chance that a divine being couldcome to a man and genuinely help him, that would be a motivating force to believeand adore. Both of these divine beings have a particular image of intensity. Zeus hashis lighting jolt, and Odin has his lance. Both of these things have a somewhatnegative translation. Lighting is a dangerous power and a lance is a weaponused to murder. In our general public, divine beings are normally shown to have a very positivelight encompassing them and a weapon may appear to be abnormal to us as an image of agod. We should likewise observe that the divine beings both utilized their particular weapons bythrowing them. Perhaps this is the start of the musings of a grandiose element the divine beings didn't need to be genuinely there, however could extend theirintentions from a remot e place. The way that both of these images were damaging inone structure or another brings up a couple of issues: Were these societies searching for adestructive god? Is it accurate to say that they were still at an express that a crude representation ofman was wanted as a divine being? Were these social orders taking a gander at disorder anddestruction as being more significant in the general public than request? It might be thatthe dread that they summon will have individuals feeling that they can be punished,and on the off chance that they are rebuffed it won't be a straightforward slap on the wrist, yet rather aspear or lightning jolt heaved at them. So I accept that this dread was usedwhen the legends were by and large initially formed so one would
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Definition and Purpose of the Zero Article
The Definition and Purpose of the Zero Article In English sentence structure, the termâ zero articleâ refers to an event in discourse or composing where a thing or thing phrase isn't gone before by an article (an, an, or the). The zero article is otherwise called theâ zero determiner. As a rule, no article is utilized with formal people, places or things, mass things where the reference is inconclusive, or plural tally things where the reference is uncertain. Likewise, no article is commonly utilized when alluding to methods for transport (via plane) or typical statements of time and spot (at 12 PM, in prison). Furthermore, language specialists have discovered that inâ regional assortments of English known as New Englishes,â omitting an article is regularly done to communicate non-particularity. Instances of the Zero Article In the accompanying models, no article is utilized before the emphasized things. My moms name is Rose. I gave her a rose onà Mothers Day.Every mile is two in winter.This plant develops inâ sandy soil and on the edges of swamps.David Rockefeller was approved to hold the situation of chief of the Council on Foreign Relations. The Zero Article in American and British English In American and British English, no article is utilized before words such asâ school, school, class, prisonâ orâ campâ when these words are utilized in their institutional sense. The understudies start school in the fall.College gives chances to understudies to learn and meet new individuals. In any case, a few things that are utilized with distinct articles in American English are not utilized with articles in British English. At the point when I was in the clinic, I frequently wished there were less hours in the day.[American English]When Elizabeth was inâ hospital, she was once in a while visited by her parents.[British English] The Zero Article With Plural Count Nouns and Mass Nouns In the book English Grammar, Angela Downing composes that the loosest and in this way most regular sort of conventional proclamation is that communicated by the zero article with pluralâ count nounsâ or withâ mass things. Check things are those that can shape a plural, for example, canine or feline. In their plural structure, tally things are once in a while utilized without an article, particularly when they are alluded to conventionally. The equivalent is genuine when the thing is plural yet of inconclusive number. Pooches love to go around outside.The kid wants to play with toys. Mass things are those that can't be tallied, for example, air or pity. They additionally incorporate things that are not typically tallied yet that can be included in certain circumstances, for example, water or meat. (These things can be checked utilizing certain estimations, for example, a few or much.) Clean air is significant for a sound environment.The man was overwhelmed by pity when he lost his home. Sources Cowan, Ron.à The Teachers Grammar of English: a Course Book and Reference Guide. Cambridge University Press, 2011.Downing, Angela.à English Grammar. Routledge, 2006.Platt, John T., et al.à The New Englishes. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Research Paper Service
Research Paper ServiceWhen people talk about a research paper service, they typically mean one that will perform writing for you in your own language. However, if you prefer to write the entire paper, many types of services exist.The primary option is to have a ghostwriter do it for you. Many service providers today offer this service. It usually involves having someone else write a lot of it for you so that you are not bogged down by wordiness. Your research documents should be direct and concise, but the ghostwriter can catch many of the stylistic nuances that the author might miss.This service can be a great help in researching your research papers. The researcher can speak directly to the ghostwriter about their topic without hesitation or hesitancy. A good researcher will do his homework to discover what the writer can say about it and then use this information to present the facts in a way that is clear and precise.One service that is particularly good at completing research pa pers is online manuscript completion services. These companies take care of all of the paper writing for you, whether you want to do it yourself or have someone else write it. They will make sure that your article comes out grammatically sound, and that you include any necessary citations.Another great service for your research papers is having a ghostwriter input them for you. When you hire someone to complete your research papers, it will ensure that they put in your style and all the technical terminology you need to get the job done. You might also find that the research paper writing services will have expertise in some areas that you would like the writer to focus on, such as your topic, finding sources, and making references, among others.Research paper writing services also make certain that your paper is proofread before it is submitted. Proofreadingthe research document before submitting it can prevent errors in the process. For example, you might need to mention in your p aper that statistics show that most search engine spiders always go for one page at a time. The researcher will need to double check the paragraph for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors before it is submitted.When choosing a research paper service, it is important to research the type of services they offer. Most of the time, these services will focus on academic writing, though there are also some freelance writing jobs out there. This type of writing takes time and practice to learn, so if you are interested in taking on some freelance work, you should consider hiring an experienced writer to help you.When you hire a research paper service, you should choose one that can write in your style. There are a number of services out there that can accomplish this.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Proposed SCUBA (Stable, Conservative Underwater Borrower...
There is no shortage of programs now available in the mortgage industry to help ease the foreclosure crisis. Although some of them provide direct financial assistance to key participants in the foreclosure process to encourage them to find a less costly alternative, there is really no national effort to address one of the most stubborn factors that often leads to foreclosure and in some cases thwarts efforts to avoid it. Many borrowers in the U.S. owe more than their house is worth, either on just their first mortgage or in combination with a second mortgage or home-equity line of credit. A First American CoreLogic study recently estimated that 23 percent of all homeowners are in a ââ¬Å"negative equityâ⬠position, and the number isâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦These charges are now either included in the closing costs or added as premiums on the interest rate. HARP is only available for performing Fannie and Freddie loans, but that covers a huge portion of the U.S. mortgage market. In a recent article in his nationally syndicated newspaper column on real estate, Ken Harney reported on a new study by Brent White, a professor at the University of Arizona, which argues that many underwater borrowers should intentionally default on their loan and bear the consequences of being shut out of the credit market for a few years. That strategy may be particularly appealing in states where lenders canââ¬â¢t try to recover unpaid mortgages from the borrowerââ¬â¢s other assets. Such ââ¬Å"voluntary foreclosuresâ⬠are one form of a problem that has shaped the foreclosure debate since the government first began devising alternative strategies. Lawmakers and officials in both the Bush and Obama administrations have struggled to find ways to prevent homeowners from using federal assistance when they donââ¬â¢t need it, or profiting from their ââ¬Å"bailout.â⬠That goal has become even more intense since the government was forced to create the $750 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program, most of which has been used to prop up banks and other ââ¬Å"too-big-to-failâ⬠enterprises. A relatively small portion of TARP is being used to pay for HAMP incentives to borrowers, lenders and investors. SCUBA
Thursday, May 14, 2020
F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby - 1003 Words
Often referred to as ââ¬Å"the Jazz Age,â⬠the 1920s was a time full of innovation, leisure, and newfound sexual expression. In this age, there was a boom in literary expression as well. F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of the many twentieth-century writers to focus on American ideals in their novels. In Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s masterpiece, The Great Gatsby, the character of Jay Gatsby represents the opulence and underlying corruption of the 1920s. As the novel begins, Fitzgerald describes Gatsbyââ¬â¢s outrageous wealth. Gatsby harbors an obsession for money, which is a reflection of the booming economy in the Twenties. He lives in a mansion, complete with a pool, and even owns a luxurious car, reminiscent of the 1920s when the automobile became a major part of American culture. This car has a color that is a ââ¬Å"â⬠¦combination of the white of the [American] dream and the yellow of moneyâ⬠(Seiters 2). The nationââ¬â¢s wealth doubled during the 1920s, and many Americans used this as an opportunity to spend more. Gatsby is no exception; he is one of the ââ¬Å"new richâ⬠. He spares no expense, wearing expensive shirts and importing crates of fresh fruit to his mansion every week. He spends money without thinking, all in the hopes of impressing his love, Daisy Buchanan. In addition to his numerous possessions, Gatsby often throws lavish parties. They are simply glorious, with sumptuous food and a f ull orchestra (Fitzgerald 39-41). Fitzgerald makes evident the fact that Gatsby only hosts such grandShow MoreRelatedF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby974 Words à |à 4 PagesPoverty in the Valley of Ashes: The Great Gatsby ââ¬Å"This is a valley of ashes- a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and raising smoke and finally, with a transcendent effort, of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery airâ⬠(Fitzgerald 26). In the novel, ââ¬Å"The Great Gatsby,â⬠the author F. Scott Fitzgerald, mainly depicted lives of the rich and their luxuries but also showed theRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1289 Words à |à 6 Pages and many people realized their own version of the American Dream during this period. The American Dream is one that many people want to achieve. However, F. Scott Fitzgerald demonstrates his true feelings about the American Dream in his classic novel, The Great Gatsby. Many characters in this story, such as Daisy and Tom Buchanan, Jay Gatsby, and Jordan Baker, found riches and happiness in materialistic things and people throughout this novel. This is the stereotypical American Dream that is associatedRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby944 Words à |à 4 Pages423169 Prompt #4 No Comments Lim [f (x)] - 0 = âËž ... The Limit as X Approaches Infinity Humans continually search for success. This success surfaces in forms such as fortune, fame, glory, et cetera. The American Dream encapsulates the ideals of the ââ¬Å"New World,â⬠bringing together not only the idea of limitless success, but also its newfound availability and encouragement for embracing the promise land. The Great Gatsby explores the American Dream and ââ¬Å"the actual nature of this dream... the mannerRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1265 Words à |à 6 PagesJay Gatsby and His Undying Love for Daisy Buchanan F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby in the midst of the roaring twenties, which was an age full of wealth, parties, and romance. Young people living in the 1920s were centered around wanting to find love so Fitzgerald, along with many other authors during this time period, focused his writing in The Great Gatsby on relationships and affection. Jay Gatsby, one of the main characters in the novel, is a very mysterious man, but there is oneRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1845 Words à |à 8 Pages ââ¬Å"You donââ¬â¢t write to say something, you write because you have something to say.â⬠F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of the most remarkable writers of all time during the Jazz Age. He started to reach an accomplishment of success with This Side of Paradise and accomplished it with The Great Gatsby. F. Scott Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s novels take place back in the early 1900ââ¬â¢s; he attempts to communicate knowledge to the elocutionist, in a sophisticated, but humorous way, that making it big is not uncomplicated. FurthermoreRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1720 Words à |à 7 Pagesdriving force of evolution in humanity. It allows the aspiration of being able to do astonishing things, and proffers them prosperity in life. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald delves into the American Dream and itââ¬â¢s demise. Fitzgerald focuses on the character of Jay Gatsby to materialize the false image that the American Dream created in the 1920ââ¬â¢s. Gatsby is th e protagonist of the novel, and is famous for throwing massive parties regardless of the secret life that he lives. The narrator, Nick CarrawayRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1202 Words à |à 5 PagesJay Gatsby and F. Scott Fitzgerald F. Scott Fitzgerald is an acclaimed American author, popularly recognized for his novel The Great Gatsby. In addition to his literary work, Fitzgerald is noted for his unstable personal life. Originally coming from a low-income background, he could not marry the woman that he first loved. Even when he met another woman, he had to acquire wealth to marry her; this drove him to publish his first novel. He married her shortly after. However, a couple years after, heRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1258 Words à |à 6 Pages What Killed Gatsby? Love or Greed? To certain people, Gatsbyââ¬â¢s death was a cruel and surprising conclusion to The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. But there is still some mystery around the cause of Gatsbyââ¬â¢s death. Upon meeting Gatsby for the first time, one can tell that he has an obsession centered around Daisy Buchanan, his old love, and was dead set on getting her back. Gatsbyââ¬â¢s obsession with repeating the past is responsible for his death and Gatsbyââ¬â¢s greed put him in a grave. FurtherRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1761 Words à |à 8 Pagescould be the main focus of people who are going out on their own to create a family. However, F. Scott Fitzgerald took a different route in his most famous novel. Fitzgerald uses his book, The Great Gatsby, to show how the idea of the American Dream is slowly dying in the society he created. Although the American Dream was prevalent during the time The Great Gatsby took place in, F. Scott Fitzgerald went against the social norm of believing in this idea and revolved his novel around the idea ofRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1381 Words à |à 6 PagesResearch Paper on F. Scott Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s The Great Gatsby portrays characterization corresponding with charactersââ¬â¢ birthplaces, desires, and determination in order to devise their statuses. The narrator, Nick Carraway, is disparate from others due to the place he grew up which is exemplified when he moves to New York from the Midwest. Tom Buchanan satisfies his desire for love by having women in his life as well as his wife Daisy. Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Deception in The Storm and The Story of an Hour Essay
Thesis: In Kate Chopins The Storm and The Story of an Hour, the wives seem to share the foul qualities of selfishness, unfaithfulness and confusion. I. The most common element found within both pieces of literature is that both women seem to be greatly selfish. A. In The Story of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard seems to be overwhelmed with joy because of her husbands death. B. In resemblance to Mrs. Mallard, Calixta, the wife in The Storm, is also immensely selfish. II. The second most obvious theme throughout both stories is their unfaithful commitment to the sacrament of marriage. A. Mrs. Mallard was never physically unfaithful, but mentally and emotionally she lost herself in the idea of her new life without herâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The Story of an Hour involves one married couple and when the wife, Mrs. Mallard, hears her husband has died in a railroad disaster she breaks down into tears. Moments after sitting in her chair weeping she begins to feel free to do as she wants now that he has passed on. As she approaches the stairs in her home the door opens and her husband stands alive and well. When the doctors arrive they say Mrs. Mallard ...had died of a heart disease-of joy that kills. In both of these short stories the wives seem to share the foul qualities of selfishness, unfaithfulness and confusion. The most common element found within both pieces of literature is that both women seem to be greatly selfish. In The Story of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard seems to be overwhelmed with joy because of her husbands death. Instead of mourning in the loss of her husband, she gloats in the thought of joy and freedom. Chopin writes, spring days, and summer days, and all sorts of days that would be her own. In resemblance to Mrs. Mallard, Calixta is also selfish. Calixta, with very little resistance, fights her temptation to be with Alc#233;e but soon gives in to a sexual affair. Only vaguely do Mrs. Mallard and Calixta show any sympathy for their husbands. The second obvious theme throughout both stories is their unfaithfulness to the sacrament of marriage. Mrs. Mallard was never physically unfaithful, but mentally and emotionally she lostShow MoreRelatedA Hour By Kate Chopin1269 Words à |à 6 Pagesrepresentation of marriage and gender parts portrayed in the America short stories the Necklace by Guy De Maupassan The Short story of a Hour by Kate Chopin are short stories which uncover many viewpoints seen in the human intuitive convictions. These stories demonstrate how the male characters assume the primary part in marriage as the dominant ones and their partners, the females taking up the weaker parts. 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When journalists went to Vietnam, they found a political, diplomatic, and military quagmire, andRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave Essay2361 Words à |à 10 Pagesstand out in his life for their demonstration of the cruelty of slavery and of his ability to endure and transcend such conditions with his humanity intact. Douglassââ¬â¢ work follows the formula of many slave narratives of his day. He structures his story in a linear fashion, beginning with what little information he knew about his origins and progressing episodically through to his escape North. His recurring theme is the brutal nature of slavery, with an emphasis on the persevering humanity of the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Recording Artist/Producer Career Development Plan free essay sample
Target Finish Date: Date Achieved: Performer Recording Artist I have always had a passion for music, since II was little, I have learnt various instruments, including Violin, Drums, Bass, Lead Guitar and Rhythm Guitar. I spent a while focusing on each of these from a young age growing up, at one point all I played was an electric guitar. After a while I threw the guitar down and picked up an acoustic, from that day I havent looked back, so to speak. I always had a lot of time for eat boxers and voice percussionists. I have been practicing different techniques of this since I was around 15 years old; and always had the idea into my head that if I could record the voice percussion on the spot live, and sing/rap and play the guitar at the same time, it could be mind blowing. I invested in a looping pedal, which enables me to loop vocals like voice percussions, harmonies and guitar at the same time. So I can build a backing track on the spot. I also have a vocal processor pedal. The pedal comes with 35 different presets which include reverbs, harmonies on 3rd and thats, , 4 or 6 voices and various modulation effects.Which is another weapon to my arsenal. With the equipment I had, and the ability and confidence in myself. I decided not to hold back any longer. And to get out and perform. Dating back to Summer 2011 1 had little experience in performing in front of live audiences, I overcame this by playing several local open mimic nights to gain experience and to start developing a venue repertoire, which would help me in the future, in terms of booking bigger venues/Audiences For the past SIX months I have played at various venues, In front of a wide range of audiences and judges. Mom of which have had chart topping singles and featured on platinum selling albums) The following is a backlog of my progress so far. October 2011 Since my first Independent gig, I passed auditions Into an open mimic night competition. I have practiced constantly, slowly but surely placing together a settles. November 2011 Since my last Log, I came third out of 14 people in the semi finals of the Open Mimic Night Competition. I was also booked to play a birthday party while still playing open mimic nights every weekend. December 2011 Fresh out of the Open Mimic Night Final, in which I placed third out of 8 people.I was told about another competition which was being held in Northampton, at the Nabs Sports Bar. I also placed third in this competition where I won a cash sum of OHIO. I Nas also booked by Real Music MS to play Blithely Park Christmas Festival, taking two sets over the weekend. Stage fright is becoming less of an issue lanyard 2012 In late December I was asked to play a private function for the staff of Son Bar at the Escape dome in Milton Keynes, for their belated Christmas party. It didnt go to plan as the looping pedal which I use decided to give up on life, which I hadnt experienced before. So it threw my off, needless to say the set ended badly. February 2012 February was a quiet month, with only a few open mimic nights, still progressing. Im starting to feel more confident on stage now. March 2012 March was also quiet, I took time out to work on a new set Present At present I have a number of gigs booked for the summer, including twice where I support Liftoff Shillings, better known as The Artful Dodger as well as being booked to play a private function for Ted Baker in Covent Garden. I also have my first self promoted and self booked paid gig, in Binary.My contract for ARMS (Real Music MS) management, and Real Music Records is currently in the process of drafting up. I feel that I have come along way in the last 6 months, and that to further my ability and to obtain a broader following, I need to start booking gigs in areas outside of Milton Keynes. Reaching to the main counties around the area, and gradually expand outwards. I currently study Music Technology at the University of Bedsores at a Foundation Degree level. There was a point in which I had a decision to make: To go becoming successful in music.So I took the opportunity of attending university. My intentions were to further my knowledge and experience in Music technology so that in future I could use those skills productively and to my advantage. Further Development Targets Specific After the progress, and in some ways success I have established over the past 6 months, I still feel that I have a lot of growing to do in terms of: -Perfecting a steeliest ;Stage performance *Visual performance -Vocal performance -Show Promotion (self) -Gig Booking (self) would really like to pursue all of these characteristics of performing. Old also like to go into Production. With the ability to Produce various genres, from hip hop to acoustic. The FdA Music Production side of the Level 4 course I attend will be beneficial to me, if I decide to go into this area of the industry. I feel that without my degree, I will always be at a disadvantage to others who do have it, so my main production goals are: -To Graduate with the best Grade I can ;To start producing from home at a high level My dream is to achieve these goals.Measurable Practice makes perfect, in terms of a steeliest, Mils sure I could perfect one within two months of practicing twice a week, and maintaining the practice intensity there on out. My soon-to-be Manager is supplying me with a stage awareness and stage craft course I hope to be at the level I would like to be at within 3 months of an hour a eek classes. ARMS are also supplying me with free vocal tuition. I can start booking shows and promoting myself when I have a high standard repertoire, of gigs I have played and money for promoti on. Id like to give this six months. If I choose to continue working hard at the highest standard I possibly can. Then I will e able to overcome that disadvantage. I will graduate with the best grade I can achieve within the next four or 5 years. I also need to start looking at universities I can attend once my Foundation Degree ends, to top up my Degree in which field of the industry I choose to go in, at that time. Depending on the course I choose to take, and the area I choose to study further in.I should get my Full Degree 1-2 years after I have Graduated from the University of Bedsores at the end of 2013. Achievable can make sure my performance skills improve by sticking to a strict regime of reactive and using the classes that ARMS are supplying me with to my full advantage. By attending all classes when remotely possible and to make sure I understand all topics relating to assignments that have been set. Assignment Submission Punctuality and a high standard of work or essential to go further into my musical career.Realistic Its apparent that I have my work cut out for me and that its going to be extremely Challenging. Having said this I feel that if I put time aside to finish assignments on time to a high standard; and practice thoroughly. I will comfortably press on and be successful, as well as be accepted into a University that I feel will help me be the best can. Rime Based As I feel Education and Performance should interact with each other, I am going to give myself a 5 year timescale to complete the tasks I have set myself. My Timescale is on a basis of how many years in higher education I may have left, depending on course type and length, as well as how long it may take me to fully achieve my Performing aspirations. It may take me longer as I may not be able to attend all classes and practice with the amount of assignments set for me. Skills I have learnt from FDA Benefits Advanced Logic skills Can help with Music production in later life. Music for film n depth If II wish to carry out Music For Film, this has given me the foundation point of any Production for Film.Audio manipulation Extremely useful in production! Recording techniques Highly useful in production! Microphone selection Essential for recording Live Instruments Microphone positioning Essential for recording Live Instruments Microphone positioning Essential for recording Live Instruments Mixing recorded instruments Highly inefficient for production of all varieties Mixing Midi Beneficial for production of all rarities Perez Software Fre e presentation software, which is internet based Musical terminology Useful when discussing various musical techniques.Characteristics of different musical genres Makes different genres easier to produce/define. Harvard referencing Useful in business situations Better Time Planning Extremely beneficial in future day to day life. Preferably, on the second year of my FdA Course, I would like to go further into advanced mixing techniques, Introduction and development of Pro Tools skills and a elf produced track or e. P assessment, where I would have to write, record, mix and master and e. To a high standard. As well as Professional Production Techniques and to go on and develop knowledge in Live Sound so that I have a wide range of skills to go into the music industry with. Feel that this year on the FdA Music Tech course could have been improved by a performance, as I studied a level 3 Music Technology course at the same location under some of the same tuition as I have this year. I hope that next year will meet the aspirations that werent met this year.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Marketing Plan of a New Food Company MegCo Limited
Executive Summary MegCo is a private limited company that intends to venture into the UK coffee shop industry. The firmââ¬â¢s operations will entail producing and marketing a variety of specialty coffee.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing Plan of a New Food Company: MegCo Limited specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Furthermore, the firm will provide customers with high quality specialty coffee. This will enable the firm to position itself as best specialty coffee-shop in the UK. In an effort to cope with the intense competition in the UK coffee shop market, the firm will invest in continuous product innovation. As a result, MegCo will be able to align its operations with the changing customer tastes and preferences. Situational analysis There are different models that businesses can integrate in an effort to understand the business environment. Some of these models include the PESTLE and the SWOT models ( Gilligan Hird 2008). PESTLE analysis of the UK market Best (2009) emphasises that ââ¬Å"the PESTLE analysis model outlines the broad industry environment or the macro-environmental factors in which an organisation operatesâ⬠(p.18). The model categorises the business environment into six factors, which include the economic, technological, political, legal, environmental, political and social factors. The PESTLE analysis model enables businesses to comprehend and predict the future and hence the likelihood of survival (Best 2009). The chart below illustrates the main PESTLE analysis variables. Moreover, appendix 1 shows a summary of the PESTLE analysis. Figure 1. Source: (Gillam, Yates Badrinath 2012)Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Political environment The UK is characterised by a high level of political stability. This has led to development of an effective busin ess environment. The UK is a member of different economic zones and trading blocs such as the European Union, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the G20. This presents a perfect opportunity for MegCo to market its products to a large number of customers through internationalisation. Economic environment Over the past few years, the UK economy has experienced significant economic fluctuations such as the 2008 global economic recession and the sovereign debt crisis in the Euro Zone which occurred in 2012. According to Cha (2012), the sovereign debt crisis led to increment in the rate of unemployment with a margin of 11.2%. Consequently, most consumers have adjusted their purchasing patterns because of the high level of uncertainty about the future. Cha (2012) further asserts that ââ¬Å"the consumers have reduced their spending on both big and small items such as cars and a cup of coffeeâ⬠(para. 7). Despite the aforementioned economic fluctuations, it is expected that the UK will attain full economic recovery in the near future. Therefore, the likelihood of improvement in the consumersââ¬â¢ purchasing power is high. Thus, the consumers will afford various consumer products such as specialty coffee. A study conducted by This Money (2012) shows that increase in retail spending is one of the elements that will stimulate the countryââ¬â¢s economic recovery. Social environment The UK citizens have developed a strong coffee drinking culture. This is evidenced by the fact that most UK citizens enjoy drinking coffee as they relax. Walsh (2011) opines that ââ¬Å"it is estimated that approximately 511 million cups are consumed in the UK every weekâ⬠(para.3). This trend makes the UK to be a viable investment destination. Thus, there is a high probability of MegCo maximising it sales revenue. Change in the consumersââ¬â¢ tastes and preferences may affect the firmââ¬â¢s sales. For example, the consumers might shift to other br ands of specialty coffee offered by competing firms. Another major social trend is evidenced by the fact that consumers are increasingly becoming health-conscious (Larson 2009). This might affect the firmââ¬â¢s ability to attain its sales objectives. Technological environment The high rate of technological innovation in the coffee shop market presents an opportunity for MegCo to produce high quality specialty coffee. Currently, there are different coffee-blending machines which have been developed. Thus, the firm can be able to produce high quality instant coffee.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing Plan of a New Food Company: MegCo Limited specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The emergence of e-commerce presents MegCo with an opportunity to increase its sales revenue by improving its marketing efficiency. Consumers have become technologically savvy in their consumption patterns (Kotter Schlesinger 2008). Therefore, it is imperative for MegCo to embrace emerging marketing technologies in order to maximise its profitability. Legal environment The UK government has implemented comprehensive laws which are aimed at protecting the SMEs. Some of these laws relate to intellectual property rights (IPRs) laws such as patents, trademarks and copyrights, which have made the country very attractive to foreign and local investors (Environmental Leader 2012). Moreover, the UK government has established a number of enterprise zones by offering a 5-year tax-holiday to investors who establish businesses in the special economic zones (Delloite 2011). Value chain- Michael Port and Porterââ¬â¢s five forces Grundy (2006) defines the Porterââ¬â¢s five forces as a model that enables businesses to understand the industry in which it operates using five main forces. These forces include supplier power, buyer power, new entrants, threat of competitors and threat of substitutes. Best (2009) emphasises that the model plays a critical role in a firmââ¬â¢s effort to enter a new market. Rivalry-High The industryââ¬â¢s competitive rivalry is increased by the presence of large coffee chains such as Starbucks, Caffe Nero and Costa Coffee. These firms have been in existence for a number of years and hence they have developed a strong competitive advantage compared to MegCo which is a new entrant (Miller 2009). Threat of new entrant-High The UK coffee shop market has a high market potential arising from the strong coffee drinking culture. Miller (2009) asserts that coffee is ranked the 3rd favourite non-alcoholic drink in the UK. The industry is characterised by a relatively low barriers to entry. For example, minimal capital is required in order to enter the market. The attractiveness of the market is further enhanced by the fact that the UK government has nurtured an effective legal environment that protects small and medium enterprises. Consequently, the threat of new entrants is relatively high. Threat of substitute-High There are numerous substitute products in the UK coffee shop market. Some of the main substitutes to MegCoââ¬â¢s coffee include hot chocolate and teas.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Buyer power ââ¬â High The industry has two main types of consumers who include the individual and the institutional buyers. These consumer groups can easily force the coffee shops to adjust their pricing strategies. Moreover, the low switching cost has also led increment in the buyersââ¬â¢ bargaining power. Supplier power-Low There are numerous local and international coffee beans suppliers in the UK coffee shop market. This gives the coffee shops a higher edge with regard to controlling suppliers. Figure 2 SWOT analysis According to Best (2009), the SWOT analysis model provides an overview of an organisationââ¬â¢s current position. The framework below illustrates MegCoââ¬â¢s SWOT analysis. Strengths High quality; the firm has developed expertise with regard to production of high quality specialty coffee. Strong human capital base; MegCo has a strong human capital base, which has arisen from integration of a comprehensive employee training program. Ambience; the fir m has created an appealing store ambience which will appeal the consumersââ¬â¢ emotions and perceptions. Weaknesses Low level of market penetration; the firm is new in the UK coffee shop market. Consequently, it has not developed sufficient knowledge on the UK market. This presents a major weakness in the firmââ¬â¢s effort to market its products in the UK. Opportunities Launching new products; the firm can attain a high market growth by introducing new coffee specialty products (Theodore 2002). Strategic alliance; partnering with well established firms in the coffee shop market will improve the firmââ¬â¢s competitiveness. Market expansion; the firm can attain market growth by adopting the concept of continuous market improvement. For example, the firm can open new stores in different parts of the country. Threats Intense competition; the firm will face intense competition from existing firms such as Starbucks, Costa Coffee and Caffe Nero. Change in consumer behaviour; cha nge in consumer behaviour, tastes and preferences with regard to consumption of specialty coffee consumption. Economic recession; change in economic conditions for example as a result of economic recession may adversely affect the firmââ¬â¢s competitiveness. Segment ââ¬â targeting positioning The firmââ¬â¢s management team is cognisant of the importance of effective market segmentation. MegCo will segment its market using different demographic and psychographic variables. The firm will target young adults who prefer to relax and chat in a nice place. The second customer group will be comprised of middle age consumers who prefer to relax, and read a book in a calm place. With regard to psychographic variables, MegCo will mainly target the coffee lovers. MegCo intends to position itself as a high quality coffee outlet. The firm will adopt the slogan ââ¬Ëdrink differentââ¬â¢ as its market positioning strategy. Thus, the firm will be able to influence the consumersâ â¬â¢ perception. Marketing objectives Financial objectives First year; MegCo intends to increase its sales revenue to à £ 6 million within the first year of its operation. As a result, the firm will be able to achieve the break-even point. The firm will set the price of a cup of coffee at à £ 3.49. The firm also intends to achieve a market share of 15% in the local coffee shop market. Second-year objectives; the firm intends to increase its market share to 35%. This will enable the gain sufficient market dominance. Furthermore, the firm intends to increase its sales revenue with a margin of 30% compared to the first year. Non-financial objectives The firm intends to operate in a socially responsible manner. This will be achieved by ensuring that its operations do not contribute to environmental pollution. The will be focused at developing a high level of customer loyalty. This will be attained by providing customers with high level of customer service. Marketing strategy MegCo is focused towards achieving an efficient market position in the UK coffee shop market in spite of the intense competition from other firms such as Costa, Nero and Starbucks. Consequently, the firm will ensure that it provides customers with high quality specialty coffee. Marketing mix Product strategy MegCo will ensure that its coffee is of high quality. This will be achieved by ensuring that the coffee is effectively blended. Moreover, the firm will ensure its coffee beans are sourced from high quality suppliers. This will aid in maintaining the quality of coffee. MegCo will also invest in continuous product innovation in order to meet the customerââ¬â¢s tastes and preferences (Srinvasan 2005). To achieve the desired level of market growth, the firm will adopt the concepts of market development, market diversification, product development and market penetration as illustrated by the Ansoff matrix below. Existing products New products Existing markets Market penetration s trategy Product development strategy New Markets Market development strategy Diversification strategy The firm will focus on transforming its products from being a cash cow into a star as illustrated by the Ansoff matrix below. As a result, the firm will be able to achieve high market growth and market share. Figure 3 Source: (NetMBA 2013) Pricing strategy Considering the fact that MegCo is new entity in the UK coffee shop market, the firm will adopt the concept of penetration pricing strategy. This will be attained by setting the price of a cup of coffee at a lower price point compared to the major competitors. A cup of coffee will be retailed at $3.49. Thus, the firm will be able to attract consumers who are increasingly becoming price conscious. Promotion Creating sufficient market awareness is critical in an organisationââ¬â¢s effort to penetrate a particular market. MegCo will adopt the concept of Integrated Marketing Communication. Different marketing communication me thods, which include public relations, advertising, direct marketing and sales promotion will be adopted (Shin 2013). MegCo will utilise diverse mediums in its advertising process. Some of the mediums that will be adopted include television, radio, print media and online mediums. Distribution The ability of the firm to achieve the aforementioned financial objectives will depend on the effectiveness with which consumers can access the firmââ¬â¢s products. Consequently, the firm will establish a number of outlets in different parts of the UK. Action program To successfully enter the coffee shop market, MegCo will undertake a number of activities as outlined below. December 2013: Conducting a comprehensive consumer and competitor market research. January 2014: Establishing the first coffee shop in London. February 2014: Launching a comprehensive marketing awareness campaign in London. March 2014: Official launch of MegCoââ¬â¢s coffee shop. This will be achieved by holding a publi c event at the companyââ¬â¢s store. Marketing budget MegCo projects that it will incur à £ 3,000,000 in the process of entering the UK market as illustrated in the chart below. Cost item Amount in à £ Cost of conducing marketing research 100,000 Cost of creating marketing awareness 500,000 Cost of establishing the outlet 2,000,000 Legal cost 300,000 Total estimated cost 2,900,000 Implementation and control MegCo will be committed towards achieving an optimal market position. Consequently, the firm will ensure that the above marketing plan is successfully implemented. The process of implementing the marketing plan will be assigned to a strong marketing team which will be comprised of marketing experts. Moreover, the firm will conduct a continuous evaluation of its marketing progress by analysing the changes in the size of its customer base, market share, and sales revenue. As a result, the firm will be able to undertake the necessary adjustments. Reference List Best, N 2009, T4; test of professional competence in management accounting, CIMA Publishing, Burlington, MA. Cha, A 2012, European financial crisis has ripple effect on US businesses, Delloitte: Taxation and investment in United Kingdom 2011. Web. Environmental Leader: Ford, Starbucks, among most ethical companies. Web. Gillam, S, Yates, J Badrinath, P 2012, Essential public health; theory and practice, Cambridge University Press, New York. Gilligan, C Hird, M 2008, International marketing: strategy and management, Taylor and Francis, New York. Grundy, T 2006, ââ¬ËRethinking and re-inventing Michael Porterââ¬â¢s five forces modelââ¬â¢, Strategic Change, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 213-229. Kotter, J Schlesinger, L 2008, ââ¬ËChoosing strategies for changeââ¬â¢, Harvard Business Review, vol. 2, pp. 130-150. Lars on, R 2009, Marketing strategy and alliances; analysis of Starbucks Corporation, Liberty University, New York. Miller, C 2009, Will the hardcore Starbucks customer pay more? The chain plans find out, . NetMBA: Ansoff matrix 2013, Shin, K 2013, the executor of integrated marketing communications strategy: Marcomââ¬â¢s managerââ¬â¢s working model, SpringBriefs, New York, NY. Srinvasan, L 2005, Strategic management, the Indian context, PHI Learning PVT, London. Theodore, S 2002, ââ¬ËExpanding the coffee experience; Starbucks keeps sales brewing with new products, innovation and global expansionââ¬â¢, Beverage Industry, vol. 1, n. 3, pp. 57-62. This Money: Moodyââ¬â¢s could downgrade UKââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËAAAââ¬â¢ credit rating in early 2013 if the economy fails to shape up, -early-2013.html Walsh, J 2011, Britainââ¬â¢s caffeine boom; why canââ¬â¢t we wake up without smelling coffee, Appendix PESTLE Analysis Factor What is happening Impact on the company P Political stability Economic integration- UK is a member of the OECD, Euro Zone and the European Union. Tariff free market MegCo will experience a low level of political risk. The firm will market its coffee products to a large market. MegCo will market its products more cost effectively. E Economic fluctuation has led to decline in the consumersââ¬â¢ purchasing power. Effects of economic recession and the Euro Zone sovereign debt crisis Economic recovery The firm may experience a challenge in its quest to achieve its profit maximisation objective. Consumers have become more conscious in their consumption process. This may limit the firm i n its quest to maximise profit. Economic recovery will improve the consumersââ¬â¢ purchasing power. S Strong coffee consumption culture. Change in consumer tastes and preferences The coffee drinking culture may lead to increase in the firmââ¬â¢s sales revenue. Change in customer loyalty may adversely affect the firmââ¬â¢s competitiveness. T Technological advancement with regard to coffee-blending machines. Development in e-commerce. The firm can develop competitive advantage by taking advantage of the emerging technologies. E Climate change-Implementation of strict environmental laws such as carbon tax in an effort to minimise environmental pollution. -The firm will be required to operate in an environmental sustainable manner. L Implementation of intellectual property rights. Tax holiday on investors who invest in the economic zones. MegCoââ¬â¢s investment in the UK will be safe from counterfeiters. By investing in the special economic zones, the firm will benef it from the set tax-holiday. This report on Marketing Plan of a New Food Company: MegCo Limited was written and submitted by user Marilyn Martin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
The 15 Worst Mistakes You Can Make in Your 20s
The 15 Worst Mistakes You Can Make in Your 20s Your 20s are a strange time in your life. Itââ¬â¢s a period of transition, adjustment, discovery and lots of cat videos. You might be wrapping up your degree, searching for an entry level job or working your way towards becoming a professional napper. Whatever the case may be, we all know how crucial our 20s can be in terms of developing our foothold in this world. That being said, here are the 15 WORST mistakes you can make in your 20s. Youââ¬â¢ll be happy to know, watching funny cat videos is not one of them.à Source [businesinsider]
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Sin and Homosexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sin and Homosexuality - Essay Example Andrew Sullivan would reject ideas and opinion expressed by Cardinal Josef Ratzinger citing the examples of the Bible and Hebrews Scriptures. Homosexuality is a sin because it is unnatural for a person to have sexual relations with the same sex. This issue is stated in Leviticus: ââ¬Å"you shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abominationâ⬠(Sullivan 188). At the level of policy, Sullivan argues that the Church oppose homosexuality, which by its very nature is at odds with the norm of the procreative family, a norm which is major contribution to the civilization of humanity. The essay is an effort to make explicit this "civilizing" role of heterosexual marriage, a role recognized, emphasized, and sanctified by biblical religion. In contrast to Andrew Sullivan, Cardinal Josef Ratzinger states that homosexuality cannot be regarded as a sin because ââ¬Å"human beings, therefore, are nothing less than the work of God himself; and in the complementarity of the sexes t hey are called to reflect the inner unity of the Creatorâ⬠(Ratzinger). The church should express Christ's love and compassion toward homosexual persons, but should also uphold the vision for sexuality and marriage. Thus, Andrew Sullivan would agree with some ideas expressed by Cardinal Josef Ratzinger recognizing the difference between homosexual acts and homosexual orientation. ââ¬Å"Persons with a homosexual orientation are not to be condemned or prosecuted, but treated with dignity, respect and compassionâ⬠(Sullivan 190). The homosexual movement is interpreted by the colloquium as part of a larger sexual agenda rooted in a destructive lack of discipline and restraint. He concludes that homosexuality is such a threat to heterosexual marriage (which does involve commitment to a common good) that society ought in every acceptable way possible discourage homosexuality. Similar to Andrew Sullivan, Cardinal Josef Ratzinger states that: "as in every moral disorder, homosexual activity prevents one's own fulfillment and happiness by acting contrary to the creative wisdom of God" (Ratzinger). The main difference between the critics is the way they use arguments and perspectives of the Scripture. Andrew Sullivan uses direct meaning of the Scripture while Cardinal Josef Ratzinger applies general concepts and views on human nature and divine nature of every person to homosexual relations. Thus, Andrew Sullivan would oppose Cardinal Josef Ratzinger because homosexual behavior odds with God's purpose for sexual union, a purpose which is revealed in Scripture. Jones defends a "high view" if Scripture which, he argues, explicitly condemns homosexuality and establishes heterosexual marriage as God's standard. Andrew Sullivan would state that a homosexual person should hide its sexual orientation because "it violates the God's plan for human sexuality" (Sullivan 188). The distinction between homosexuality as a condition of sexual predispositions and homosexual behavior becomes important. Its opposition to homosexual behavior is rooted in the interpretation of Scripture as unequivocally viewing homosexuality as immoral and is founded
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Management Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management Information System - Essay Example The server-side hardware includes computers such as the server PCs for the actual engagement in the information system application. There should be the server PCs that functions in running of the servers such as the web and the database server (Laudon & Laudon, 2000). The last category of PCs is the ordinary office computer that is used in the regulation of the application development situation (Gupta, 2011). The network operating system is necessary for the management of software, hardware as well as the network users (Jawadekar, 2013). The most preferable operating system in a PC networking region is Windows NT operating system. The installation of NT server must be in the server-type PCs whilst the NT client, or the Windows 97/98 must be installed in the alternate computers (Gupta, 2011). In this context, the latter PC is ordinarily a member facultyââ¬â¢s PC that is to be used in the management of the database and web servers (Gupta, 2011). The web server is one of the most cri tical software on which the success of MIS depend on. The server determines the presence of the information system to the user. The program should be installed in the computer that runs the NT server (Jawadekar, 2013). For instance, the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) is the most suitable software as it incorporates other packages such as the NT (Gupta, 2011). The client side requires regular office computers and the network infrastructure. The computers are used in the running of software and retrieval of the authorized information from the database and the webpages. The network infrastructure includes routers, switches as well as the antennas used in the provision of network to the computers (Jawadekar, 2013).
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Dog Food Essay Example for Free
Dog Food Essay Dogs are probably the most common and numerous pet in World, and Mexico is not the exception for this rule. The purpose of this work is to analyze the characteristics of the demand for the dog food business in Mexico. This business has shown a CAGR of 3% during the last six years. Dog Food business is divided in three categories based on food type: Dry Dog Food, Wet Dog Food and Treats / Mixers. The most important category is Dry Dog Food with 89% far followed by Wet Dog Food with the 6%. There is another category division based on price: Super Premium, Premium and Standard. In terms of Market players there are 13 competitors in this category: The most important producers are EFFEM with 48% of market share and Nestle with 21%. Regarding brands, the most important are: Pedigree: 33%, Dog Chow 7%, Perfect Fit 5% and Eukanuba with the 5%. DogFood Brand Shares % 2008 DogFoodCompanyShares % 2008 Methodology For the analysis of the dog food market, it was necessary to do a research for the market trends (increase/decrease of dog population, education of the dog owners about benefits of dog food); the view of the dog owners about the dog food and its presentations, prices and quality. As well as the willingness of the dog owners to continue buying the dog food in the changing circumstances of the market (price raising, economic crisis, market substitutes, etc. ). The steps followed to achieve this objective are: 1. Bibliographic investigation of the market size for dog food in the Mexican market, the view of the dog owners, the companies producing dog food, price, substitutes. 2. Comparison of the indicated characteristics through and between years 3. Interpretation of the collected data to observe the market behavior for this particular industry, when faces changes in the dog owner view of the market, crisis or rising of prices. 4. Determination of the challenges faced by the industry. 5. Conclusions. Determinants of Demand: 1. -Price As up year 2008, the demand felt down 21% in comparison to previous year. Among the main reasons for this fall are: The row material cost of producers increased due to the Mexican currency devaluation. This fact ââ¬Å"forcedâ⬠the manufacturers to transfer the cost increase to the consumers. Since this market is considered an Oligopoly, the demand is elastic to the price changes. In addition, it is easy to find substitutes products; such as: Human food leftovers. The outcome of the described situation pushed the demand down. The ââ¬Å"Mon and Popâ⬠distribution channel leveraged the circumstances and offered the market Dog food in bulk. This strategy allowed them to maintain their sales in spite of the reduced total market. As a result, the producers decided to launch smaller size presentations, which in the long run stopped the sales fall, reducing the sales fall from 21% in 2008, down to only 3% in 2009. . -Marketing Initiatives -Dog owner emotional engagement fuels potential market growth Manufactures realized that the ratio of dog per household was still low, making evidence that there was still a significant growth potential. As a consequence, dog food producers encouraged diverse nonprofit associations to promote emotional engagement to the dog wellness. Dog owners started to care more about: Nutrition, health care and dog pampering. Therefore, the manufacturers found new market niches for new products, such as super premium brands focused on health enhancement or treats to pamper the dog. The current dog owning households ratio in Mexico has grown from 38. 3% in 2004 up to 40. 5% into to 2009. In order to exploit this booming market, different efforts have been done by producers, launching marketing campaigns such as: ââ¬Å"Adopta un perroâ⬠. Awareness of Dog Food benefits In addition, manufacturers realized that the ratio of dog food prepared vs. none prepared was too low in Mexico. Therefore, manufacturers began to develop marketing strategies in order to create a higher awareness of dog food benefits. These strategies were mainly implemented through: ) TV advertising campaigns Emotional situations between owner and pet were exploited by producers to encourage pet care i. e. EFFEMS Perfect fit showing a situation suggesting that the dog wants a balance life, such as the owner enjoys. b) Point of Purchase material. Additional exhibition at key seller ââ¬Å"hot spotsâ⬠were implemented to promote the different products benefits i. e. Hill Pet Nutrition, w hich sells only through veterinary sale points, spread out brochures in the veterinary clinics and pet stores. c) Consumer Promotions Producers decided to increase sales volume in the short term by encourage the consumer through give away attractive items for each product bough i. e. Dog Chow promotion in which a dog bed was gave away when customer purchased a package of four kg and above; in a similar promotion, premium brand Beneful offered a free dog bowl. d) Sponsorships Producers developed different sponsorship programs to increment brand awareness i. e. ââ¬Å"Incredible dog challengeâ⬠. e) Product Innovation In order to maintain, and even increase profit margin, producers improved the food formulations and packages. I-e. (Nestleââ¬â¢s effort to re-launch Campeon brand with a different formula using the slogan of ââ¬Å"looking similar to human foodâ⬠. All these efforts helped to reduce the shortfall of 8 pps showed between 2007 and 2008 down to only 1 pps between 2008 and 2009. Conclusions The market of dog food has changed in last few years, due of the changes in the perception of the pets inside families, mostly in developed countries. Dogs are the most common and numerous pets, and nowadays are treated as another member inside the family. Dog owners pamper their dogs, and care about the nutrition and general wellbeing of their animals. One of the findings about this market is that it has an elastic demand, strongly dependent of the income of the families in Mexico; as income decreases, the demand for dog food decreases as well. Besides, the dog food in Mexican market has one mayor (and almost free) substitute: the human food leftovers. Commonly, the families, mostly the low income ones, feed their dogs with the food they donââ¬â¢t use, or the parts of the meat markets that is not sold for human consumption. Because of that elastic demand, the industry had the need to change the ways producers do business. First, market players need ongoing innovation to adapt themselves to the changing needs of the market, such as: New and smaller size presentations, sales and marketing promotions, effective campaigns of education on how to feeding dogs with specialized and prepared food. These initiatives, along with dog adoption programs were key elements to increase market penetration. Currently, the industry of dog food is facing new challenges as low recovery of world economy, need of new formulation and customized and specialized products (aged dogs, puppies, small breeds, active dogs and sedentary dogs) demand from producers more effective sales promotions to change the mindset of the Mexican consumer about feeding dogs with the ââ¬Å"leftoversâ⬠.
Monday, January 20, 2020
U-2 Incident :: essays research papers
On May 1, 1960, two weeks prior to the United States-Soviet Summit in Paris, a U-2 high altitude reconnaissance airplane was shot down while flying a spy mission over the Soviet Union. The Eisenhower administration was forced to own up to the mission, and Khrushchev canceled the Paris Summit. As a result, The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union continued for over 30 years. Shortly after the end of World War II, United States and the Soviet Union emerged as the two superpowers. These two former wartime allies found themselves locked in a struggle that came to be known as the Cold War. Eisenhower saw the Cold War in stark moral terms: "This is a war of light against darkness, freedom against slavery, Godliness against atheism." But the President refused to undertake an effort to "roll back" Soviet gains in the years after WW II. Early in his administration he embraced a policy of containment as the cornerstone of his administration's Soviet policy. Eisenhower rejected the notion of a "fortress America" isolated from the rest of the world, safe behind its nuclear shield. He believed that active US engagement in world affairs was the best means of presenting the promise of democracy to nations susceptible to the encroachment of Soviet-sponsored communism. Additionally, Eisenhower maintained that dialogue between the US and the Soviet Union was crucial to the security of the entire globe, even if, in the process, each side was adding to its pile of nuclear weapons. The death of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, two months into the Eisenhower presidency, gave rise to hopes of a more flexible, accommodating Soviet leadership. In 1953, Eisenhower delivered a speech underscoring the potential human cost of the Cold War to both sides. Hoping to strike a more compatible tone with Georgi Malenkov, Stalin's successor, Eisenhower suggested the Soviets cease their brazen expansion of territory and influence in exchange for American cooperation and goodwill. The Soviets responded coolly to the speech, especially to the US's insistence on free elections for German unification, self-determination for Eastern Europe, and a Korean armistice. The two sides would not meet face-to-face until the Geneva Summit of 1955. At the Summit, Eisenhower asserted, "I came to Geneva because I believe mankind longs for freedom from war and the rumors of war. I came here because my lasting faith in the decent instincts and good sense of the people who populate this world of ours." In this spirit of good will, Eisenhower presented the Soviets with his Open Skies proposal. In it he proposed that each side provide full descriptions of all their military facilities and allow for aerial inspections to insure the information was correct. The Soviets rejected the proposal.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Introduction of Company
Introduction of Company De Famous Trading Company is a new establishment and located in Klang, Selangor. Our company was founded in July 2011 and established with a fully computerized inventory system to provide more efficient services to all the valued customers. Strict operation process, careful inspection and high quality service with competitive prices enable us to win the long term business relationships from all customers. Our aim is to become a leading supplier of stationery in the international market.We are also working to provide services to companies and be the supplying man power to many renowed universities in Selangor area. We are striving to provide better price and better service to our customers. In terms of nature business, De Famous Trading Company is always stick to the quotes on ââ¬ËGoing greenââ¬â¢ for inspiration and motivation to change. We are one of the companies who supply green stationery and office products. We select products that are environmental ly benign or have environmental advantages over the standard stationery equivalents.We have a unique range of products. Many new Green products are showcased by manufacturers in our Green catalogue before they become available to the normal office supply companies. Our company owners have gained experience in both areas before venturing into the business, including relevant areas such as managing and accounting. Our staff are knowledgeable and willing to give you advice on individual products and their wider impacts.There are five of us in the office, and the hours are flexible, so that staff can lead full lives as artists, campaigners, and occasionally normal people. We all get a say in how the company runs, and working life is generally relaxed, and has the tendency to meander into rambling discussions about deep ecology and the meaning of life. All our customers give positive feedback with our goods and serives since our establisment. We offer the best prices and discounts on eco -friendly stationery and do not charge a premium for green items.We are also a mine of information on the green office and we can untangle most of the competing environmental claims made by manufacturers. Green purchasing is an essential element in reducing the huge amount of waste generated by our disposable consumer culture, endemic in most standard offices. We aim to maintain business practices consistent with the goals of sustaining our fragile environment for future generations, within a culture that respects life and honours its interdependence. Introduction of Company Introduction of Company De Famous Trading Company is a new establishment and located in Klang, Selangor. Our company was founded in July 2011 and established with a fully computerized inventory system to provide more efficient services to all the valued customers. Strict operation process, careful inspection and high quality service with competitive prices enable us to win the long term business relationships from all customers. Our aim is to become a leading supplier of stationery in the international market.We are also working to provide services to companies and be the supplying man power to many renowed universities in Selangor area. We are striving to provide better price and better service to our customers. In terms of nature business, De Famous Trading Company is always stick to the quotes on ââ¬ËGoing greenââ¬â¢ for inspiration and motivation to change. We are one of the companies who supply green stationery and office products. We select products that are environmental ly benign or have environmental advantages over the standard stationery equivalents.We have a unique range of products. Many new Green products are showcased by manufacturers in our Green catalogue before they become available to the normal office supply companies. Our company owners have gained experience in both areas before venturing into the business, including relevant areas such as managing and accounting. Our staff are knowledgeable and willing to give you advice on individual products and their wider impacts.There are five of us in the office, and the hours are flexible, so that staff can lead full lives as artists, campaigners, and occasionally normal people. We all get a say in how the company runs, and working life is generally relaxed, and has the tendency to meander into rambling discussions about deep ecology and the meaning of life. All our customers give positive feedback with our goods and serives since our establisment. We offer the best prices and discounts on eco -friendly stationery and do not charge a premium for green items.We are also a mine of information on the green office and we can untangle most of the competing environmental claims made by manufacturers. Green purchasing is an essential element in reducing the huge amount of waste generated by our disposable consumer culture, endemic in most standard offices. We aim to maintain business practices consistent with the goals of sustaining our fragile environment for future generations, within a culture that respects life and honours its interdependence.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Vietnam and The Cold War Essay - 1299 Words
Vietnam and The Cold War It is impossible to accurately describe the major events that occurred during the cold war without mentioning the war in Vietnam. From its start, this war has been very controversial concerning its purposes and effects on the countries involved. Both sides of this war lost a great number of soldiers and most of these men and women were not even sure why they were fighting. To this day, there is still a lot of uncertainty about the events that took place during this heated time in south Asia. One of the biggest questions raised is why the United States felt it was their responsibility to ever got involved and what were they trying to gain by sending in their troops. A look at the history of the cold war andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦From the beginning of his term, Diem felt that North Vietnam was planning to forcefully take over South Vietnam. Diem began to arrest anyone who was suspected of being a Communist. Soon after, North Vietnam began attempting to reunify Vietnam through p olitical means, and not through the use of violence. After this proved to be an unsuccessful attempt, North Vietnam and the Communist Party finally approved the use of violence to overthrow Ngo Dinh Diems government. The National Liberation Front (NLF) was thus developed by the Communists, allowing anyone who was against Diem and for the unification of Vietnam to join to join their alliance. After noticing that South Vietnam was on shaky ground, President Kennedy decided to send in a limited number of troops to aid Diem and his government. However, Diem began to lose popularity among his people and eventually he and his brother were assassinated. Three weeks after the deaths of these two leaders, President Kennedy was assassinated. President Lyndon B. Johnson decided more action needed to be taken in South Vietnam and, after two U.S. ships were destroyed in the Gulf on Tonkin, Johnson and his administration began to order air attacks upon the North Vietnamese (the U.S. referred to them as the Vietcong). Soon afterwards, the NLF attacked two U.S. army installations in South Vietnam and, as a result, Johnson orders bombing missionsShow MoreRelatedThe Vietnam War And The Cold War1494 Words à |à 6 Pages When examining the Vietnam War you must first understand the involvement of the events surrounding the Cold War. The ââ¬ËVietnam Warââ¬â¢ as it is known is a product of the cold war era, by this I mean that events in the Cold War led to the USââ¬â¢s involvement and creation of issues causing the conflict. ââ¬Å"The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the UnitedRead MoreThe Vietnam War And The Cold War1709 Words à |à 7 Pagesseries on the topic of the Cold war but today we will be exploring the Vietnam War into detail. The topic that will be discussed tonight is that towards the end of the twentieth century the amount of democratic countries had quintupled. This was not expected at the beginning of the twentieth century. Now the question is Did the US use the cold war to further spread democracy to other countries and a lso contain the spread of communism? We will be exploring how the Vietnam War had an effect on this. JustRead MoreThe Vietnam War And The Cold War946 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe masculinity of America, white prowess, and the professional look, in a sense plagued America and beyond. Also, the United State s government was war hungry, after WW2 we put ourselves in conflicts: the Korean War, Vietnam War, and the Cold War. These were truly scary times for the people. Fast forward to the 70 s, the Vietnam War, and the Cold War is still taking a toll on our country. Everyone was sick of this and the youth did not want a fight for simply just adding toll numbers to death. ThisRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of The Cold War1419 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Vietnam war started as a U.S. strategy of authority in times of the cold war, which was directed to prevent the advancement of communism in the world. The War had begun in 1954, after the rise of power with Ho Chi Minh and his communist Viet Minh pa rty in North Vietnam, and continued against the backdrop of an intense Cold War against the United States and the Soviet Union. More than 3 million people were killed, including 58,000 Americans. In 1975, communist forces took control of SaigonRead MoreThe Vietnam War During The Cold War928 Words à |à 4 PagesIntro The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, occurred from November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975. The war was during the cold war era. This brutal 19 year war was fought mainly between North Vietnam, supported by the soviet union, and South Vietnam, supported by The United States of America. The U.S. government s goal of the war was to prevent South Vietnam to be labeled as a communist country. However, North Vietnam had their reasons for the war as well. Vietnam believed they shouldRead MoreVietnam During The Cold War1129 Words à |à 5 PagesVietnam resembles the shape of a seahorse that stretches southeast into the Pacific Ocean; Vietnam is known as to as the ââ¬Å"balcony of the Pacific.â⬠By way of its water transportation links that were developed prior to rail and road networks, Vietnamese migration pressed southward (Nam Tien) along the coast. (Taus-Bolstad, 2006) Distinct regions meant that trade was more than a means to establish national unity within a di spersed settler society. (Taus-Bolstad, 2006) A geographical division of resourcesRead MoreCommunism Of The Vietnam War And The Cold War1181 Words à |à 5 PagesCommunism is an ideology that has a very long history more than one-third of the globe. This ideology is followed by Russia, Cuba, Laos, China, North Korea, and Vietnam. This ideology is the source of many revolutions and conflicts throughout the history likes the English Civil War, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Vietnam War, the Korea War and the Cold War. However, what makes Communism different from other ideologies is its origin, its policy, and its effects on the poor and the working class. CommunismRead MoreVietnam War : A Cold War Era Conflict2301 Words à |à 10 PagesVietnam Conflict The Vietnam War was a Cold War-era conflict that started in 1946 and ended in 1974, taking nearly 30 years to resolve. The war was fundamentally a conflict between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, where the North was communist and South was not. The United States, France, the United Kingdom and other non-communist allies supported the non-communist South Vietnam. China, Russia (USSR), Cuba, Cambodia and other Communist allies supported the regime in the north. North Vietnam saw theRead MoreThe Vietnam War and its Subsequent Ties to the Cold War Essay2491 Words à |à 10 PagesThe Cold War was a prolonged period of political and military tension between countries on the side of democracy and those on the side of communism, the major players being the United States belonging to the former and the Soviet Union belonging to the latter (Westad). While the Cold War was known as such because there were no direct wars between the two major powers, there was large scale fighting in Vietnam. The Vietnam War (1954-75) is thought of as a historical consequence of the Cold War andRead MoreWhat Did The Vietnam And Cold War Influence The Lyrics Of Emerging Music?2047 Words à |à 9 Pageswhat extent did the Vietnam and Cold War influence the lyrics of emerging music? The highlighted focus of the investigation will be directed towards the cause and consequences of the wars and lyrics sung by Canadian artists within the Sixties. This investigation will be supported through the analyzation of the following documents; Canadaââ¬â¢s Humans Right History: The Sixties (History of Rights) and; Vietnam War and Cold War (TheCanadianEncyclopedia). Subsequently, the lyrics and wars will be analyzed
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